Hello all!
As this is Katie Astle’s first blog, I thought we’d dig a little deeper and explain to you all why I am sitting here writing this blog.
For the past three years, there have been so many things that have lead up to this point right now without me even realising. When I look back, I realise why things happened the way they did and the reason why I am standing at this exact point on my path at this exact time. It fascinates me and still blows my mind but probably my most said saying, will always be, (and my family and friends will vouch for this – to everybody’s annoyance, I probably say it too much!), ‘everything happens for a reason’. Every time I say this to my Mum, her response is still the same question, however many years later, ‘well, what is the reason, Kate?’ and I do not know the reason or reasons and she may still be waiting for that question to be answered but that is the Universe for you. The Universe works in mysterious ways and my mum, nor anyone, doesn’t know what is around the corner for them. So, my response to my Mum is ‘just keep waiting, it will come to you and it will all make sense.’
Everybody goes through extremely testing times, physically, mentally, financially, whichever way it may be but we can all relate to each other in one way or another and this is what I love. I love being able to resonate with people and understand how they are feeling, whether that is me understanding because I’ve felt a similar way or whether that is me understanding that they feel a certain way because of a situation that I can’t relate to but I can understand why they may feel like that. I believe communication, understanding, empathising and learning are some of the most crucial attributes to have in your day-to-day life in order to grow and live in balance and harmony.
As a Libra, I love ‘love’ and a true empath, who always wants to keep the peace and never wants to be involved in any conflict. However, for somebody who loves ‘love’ (and again, all of my friends can vouch for that,) I came to a realisation that as much I loved everyone around me, I wasn’t loving myself and if I didn’t love myself, how could I love anybody else?
At this point I realised that this needed to change and I needed to give myself the love I deserved and realise my self worth. I started researching and realised how much was out there that could help me start this journey. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy and a quick fix but it had to be done in order for me to be on my own journey and achieve the goals that I had set myself but allowed them to get left behind.
I stumbled upon a book called #Moonology (incredible read by the way!). I was instantly drawn to this because I love the Moon. From when I was a little girl, the Moon always made me feel a certain way when I looked at it, reassurance, tranquillity, a sort of sense that ‘everything will be okay’. I read this book and very quickly learnt how the different phases benefit us in so many ways, if we work with it and allow ourselves to connect to the Moon. It is astonishing and I'm extremely annoyed with myself that I hadn't come across this sooner. Along with this, I found out how we can work with crystals and their unique healing properties to help us achieve our goals and dreams and help with our conscious emotions and also balance our chakras whilst doing our daily rituals.
Because of all of this, this is why I am sat here today writing this blog because I want to enlighten as many other people in the same way that this has enlightened me and helped me in testing times and this is where all of the inspiration for our crystal candles, crystal kits and our Moon collection products came from. On each candle box there is an explanation of the unique crystal healing properties and also what you should do or practice at the certain time of the moon phases. You can so read our crystal glossary and information about each moon phase on our discovery page.

KATIE ASTLE on the shelves at our first stockist - The Alphabet Gift Shop Makers Market.
Katie Astle was founded with one goal in mind, providing high-quality products that not only benefit our home aesthetically but also help improve our mindsets. That is why every product that I create, it will have you in mind.
Aside from the products, another goal for Katie Astle is to have a community that we can all learn from one another and take something from one another whilst feeling open and connected. I love meeting and talking to new people and I really hope I can create a place where people feel comfortable to do just that.
So on that note, I shall speak to you all very soon. Thank you for listening to my short story.
Love and light, Katie Astle x